Friendships and Marbles
Growing up, there was an awesome girl group called TLC. They sung about the climate of our culture, things that might have been in the minds of young adults during the 90’s, like using condoms, cheating, and the value of good friends. “What About Your Friends” was one of my favorite songs. The chorus running: “What about your friends, will they stand their ground, will they let you down again? What about your friends, are they going to be low down, will they ever be around, or will they turn their backs on you?” At the time, I was just singing a song, but as an adult, I realize how important having answers to these questions about your friends really is. Are your friends going to be consistent and stand their ground for themselves and for you? Are your friends going to let you down or intentionally try to hurt you? Do your friends talk behind your back or do mean things to you, covertly? Will they be around through your tough times or will they leave you when your feelings become ...