Obsession Toolkit: You are not the body. You are not the mind.
You are not the body. You are not the mind. Have you ever caught yourself stuck in the middle of a deep thought? Like a storm that knocks your tree down and takes the roof off, you wonder at a point, how could this have happened? You attempt to change your thought before it gets worse. For a time, you think about something else, until you're back again, thinking the same thought from before, uprooting more of the yard and throwing furniture around. If you said yes to the above questions, I completely understand. Last week, I found myself stuck on the most frustrating of thoughts. A tempest. I tried to write it out. I tried to meditate. As a result, I was no longer frustrated, I was angry, and then enraged. “Why,” you ask? “Those things should have helped you.” Well…. yes, and no. The energy we become stuck in, obsessed on, demands specific tools if we are to address it. I was already too far gone in the storm to write about it. I only wrote myself into more frustration. T...