Serving Others is Serving Yourself
What makes someone offer their time and attention to someone else? Do we feel love? Obligation? Both? Some would say: even an apology, meant for someone else's ears, in for the giver. To give means to receive. I believe this. This truth was made more clear a couple weeks ago when I went to go enjoy a massage from my favorite therapist at Osmosis Day Spa. The trip to this venue is long (though beautiful) and the treatment though always beneficial is expensive. I try to treat myself to this every so often as it is a healing modality that truly eases me on many levels. This day, unbeknownst to me, I had received calls while I was teaching my Zoom classes. Osmosis had called. My appointment was cancelled! So, needless to say, after driving in traffic for over an hour to get to my appointment, I was disappointed when I reached the doors for this news. Walking toward the door, I noticed a black woman putting on her shoes to leave. Since there are so few black woman in this area of...