
Showing posts from April, 2014

Let's Revisit Your Yoga Plan!

Dear Friends, As things continue to change in your life, so should your Yoga Plan; each day is new. Let's look again at your focus and revitalize your alignment here. There is so much potential in quality repetition. There is so much hope in discovering a new way to a new goal or retaining and sustaining until you have found your way to the top of the mountain, the end of a 5K, a new career or suppleness in the back and shoulders...; there is faith there, withstanding, in what is true. After some time doing your current Plan and focusing in this way, things have begun to shift. Or on the other hand, you've resigned to believe, this plan is not working for you. So you've put it away. That makes sense too! You are persisting toward a goal that you may not really be ready to be a part of.  Remember you are pressing your thoughts through movement towards,  and eventually through,   a goal, and there is no finality in that. WE ARE ETERNAL. Either way, if you are finding th...

Growing Up in Spirit

Pranayama to Release Resistance- Sitting in a comfortable position in a chair or on the floor, settle yourself erect and close your eyes. Invite yourself to take a deep breath now, in through your nose and out, through your mouth. Slow and steady. Notice the movement of your belly, lower chest and upper chest as you take breath in, in that order. Notice the subtle vibration of your breath on the inside of your mouth as you exhale completely. Let your tongue, cheeks, muscles of the face relax down with the inhale and feel your belly contract as you release every last bit of air from your lungs on the exhale. Fill up again. Exhale and relax again. You do not have to do anything more or less. There is no rush. Feel the top of the inhaled breath and the bottom of the exhale. The preciousness of each breath. The vibration of the life force as it travels through you and out of you, as it vibrates your cheeks and lips. Feel each breath linking togeth...

Intuitive Coaching for You!!

There are many different reasons to desire an Intuitive Coach: starting a new adventure, ending one, finding the path or creating one. Intuitive Coaches see beyond what is said to hear the need and assist in helping others think and see through what they can not think and see through alone. Intuitive coaching happens through conversation. It is conversation about what you need and desire. It is a hand-in-hand and heart-opening approach that allows clear, effective and enlightened conclusions. As a filter, I will commandeer possible approaches to support creation, manifestation, and an ushering through the distractions that persist. I will assist you in shaping and rectifying right thought and energy toward a most beneficial flow right into your desired future.  *Within your 30 or more minute sessions, we will address your concerns, thoughts surrounding them, and your desires to begin uncovering the full source of your idea or approach. With ...