Moving Towards...
“Everyday, It’s getting closer, going faster than a roller coaster. A love like yours would surely come my way… .” -James Taylor Today, December 31st, is my 15 year wedding anniversary. It feels great to reflect back through the years' ins and outs, the joys and hurts and the lessons. They show me that every day, we have an opportunity to move towards something, either consciously or unconsciously. We choose, either way. We may go to work, but while our bodies go about daily tasks, our energy has a choice. We can be happy about this, or we can be somber wishing we were somewhere else. We can be cleaning the bathroom or making dinner and be content that we are able to do such things or resent the fact that someone else is not there to do it for us. The key to conscious, forward movement is looking towards where we are going, not forgetting what we have learned as we have come, but yet speaking now, aloud, the intention and thanking it for being, for...