Twist Your Way to Brilliance
Stand to your feet. Find Tadasana, Mountain Pose . Turn your head slowly to the right and to the left. Look up at the ceiling or sky. Look down at the floor or ground. What do you see? Use at least three full breaths to fully experience each perspective and your physical responses to it. There are many things to see wherever we are, many perspectives. There are so many that we can not see them all. And, hopefully we enjoy your perspective we see, but maybe we don’t. Take a deep breath. There is a solution! There’s lots of stuff to see. You have a choice about that which you give your attention to. (I’m not talking about denial here.) See more of the good! Twisting the body allows us to move around the anchor and see what we want to see. This can be the physical anchor of the feet and thighs. Or, this can be the anchor of the truth. Anchoring into the truth of who you are, your brilliance, allows you to see the brilliance that is aro...