Twist Your Way to Brilliance

Stand to your feet. Find Tadasana, Mountain Pose. Turn your head slowly to the right and to the left. Look up at the ceiling or sky. Look down at the floor or ground. What do you see? Use at least three full breaths to fully experience each perspective and your physical responses to it.

There are many things to see wherever we are, many perspectives. There are so many that we can not see them all. And, hopefully we enjoy your perspective we see, but maybe we don’t. 
Take a deep breath.  
There is a solution!  
There’s lots of stuff to see.  You have a choice about that which you give your attention to. (I’m not talking about denial here.)

See more of the good!

floor twist.JPGTwisting the body allows us to move around the anchor and see what we want to see. This can be the physical anchor of the feet and thighs. Or, this can be the anchor of the truth.

Anchoring into the truth of who you are, your brilliance, allows you to see the brilliance that is around you. This is not always easy. Some days we do not feel so brilliant. Yet, the direction we are facing: responsibilities, duties, our cares and concerns, present us an opportunity to observe and to choose. The choice becoming more and more clear.

Choose to like what you see and stay facing forward. 

Looking for other/more reasons to celebrate, simply turn your head. Look right and look left. Look up and look down. Make clear choices. Decide what is best for you in this moment as you move around the center.

It is never too late to take a closer look in the other direction. Like a walk around the corner, we can make a turn around the center. 

As we are almost halfway around the 2016 sun, this is a perfect time to see what presents.  If the things that are in front of you are not pleasing, twist and realign.

One of the best ways to practice this is on the mat with a teacher who can address your needs. Twists have many benefits, but should be done with awareness. If you have had any spinal injury, consult a doctor before doing a twisting practice.  

No matter your body’s physical condition or ability to do a physical twist, feel yourself in any moment standing in your brilliance. Ready yourself to find something even more glorious to digest and then observe it. Stay with yourself, yet look out and around and up and down and discover the magnificence of the joyful mind.

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