Awakening Again is Yoga
I have not wanted to blog recently. My thoughts wavering, rocking, overflowing into new things that I don’t always understand. It wouldn’t make much sense. Maybe I’m not making sense now. I am awakening to a new way of being. Compassion, I give to myself, as we all should. Empathy, I give to you. I speak for myself as well as those who I know experiencing the same. It is awkward. A play between poles to try to find balance, to find truth and make sense to others when you don’t make sense to yourself is definitely awkward. Over the last couple months, I have been able to muster a tweet or two. Maybe three tweets and a post on some other form of social media. These brief online interactions remind me that I have something to say that we (me, first) need to hear. This process of awakening and then awakening again is yoga and not for anyone to resist. The river current can not be shut off. So, we owe it to ourselves to show up. I’ve decided to write again, to spend my ...