Awakening Again is Yoga

I have not wanted to blog recently. My thoughts wavering, rocking, overflowing into new things that I don’t always understand. It wouldn’t make much sense. Maybe I’m not making sense now.

I am awakening to a new way of being. Compassion, I give to myself, as we all should. Empathy, I give to you. I speak for myself as well as those who I know experiencing the same. It is awkward. A play between poles to try to find balance, to find truth and make sense to others when you don’t make sense to yourself is definitely awkward. Over the last couple months, I have been able to muster a tweet or two. Maybe three tweets and a post on some other form of social media. These brief online interactions remind me that I have something to say that we (me, first) need to hear.

This process of awakening and then awakening again is yoga and not for anyone to resist. The river current can not be shut off. So, we owe it to ourselves to show up. 

I’ve decided to write again, to spend my time reaching out, instead of caving in, to spend my time walking and praying and shedding my burdens and making sense, when I do. All will be made clear in its time. Until then….

Experience is precious. Moments are precious. Sharing a truth, a light, a seed is invaluable. Let us spend time doing those things that delight us. We, and our unique, authentic experience are precious. We must remind ourselves of this so that we act in accordance with this truth.

My friend recently told me that there is no time “--there is only now,” she said. And, I agree. Yes, there is only now and the rest of what we believe to have been, the memories we hold. Now is where the breath happen. Now is when the vibration takes place. Now is powerful, and it is precious. Enjoy your now and have memories that will tell a lovely story in your next now, if you choose.

Presence in these moments teaches us to:  stretch the breath. Enjoy it. Squeeze every last drop out of the bottom with gratitude. Cultivate, nurture, and make good use of the love that we are and that is still in the world. Hold each other’s hands tight with truth embedded in between. Share successes as well as tears. Ask for what you need. Give what you can. 

Let our now be a beautiful spirit of things past so that what we believe has been informs the best of what is to come.

Happy Holidays! Happy Every Day!

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