Happy New Year Circulation
Jai Dev Singh , founder of the Life Force Academy, recently shared during a prosperity meditation, that it is not about reception; it is about circulation. This affected me deeply because receiving is what we so often use as our barometer of success. How many houses, cars or shoes can we accumulate until we feel fulfilled? And, we all know people who have an abundance of these things and still do not feel like they have enough. So why do we continue to focus in this way? Sounds like time for a change in perspective. Prosperity, not just money and tangibles but an elevated, conscious awareness of your (tuned in/turned on) inner working, comes from a focus on right movement. Like blood flows through the body, naturally, energy does too. Unless there is a block in the path, things move as governed by law. Why do we stop this flow, decreasing the level of circulation-- the movement of things to and fro or around something? Many of us assume if we let go of these things, if we...