
Showing posts from June, 2019

"The First 101 Things I Learned When My Hot Yoga Wife Got Cancer"

To be diagnosed with cancer changed a lot for me and my family. The hardest part being all the unexpected experiences that emerge from it, all the things you feel that you can not control, and how much you want to protect the people you love, them for me and me for them, from hurting. Having cancer has been a constant reminder that what I think I know, I probably do not. As healthy as I was, it was not enough. I have other karmic dates to resolve. When I am OK with this, it becomes easier to deal with the present moment. I suppose it becomes more clear that this is the way of life when dealing with any life-threatening disease. It's not easy for anyone all the time. No matter how much we may appear OK, we will all meet challenges. So, I try to remember this with regard to my family. Though they are not receiving treatment personally, they have to sit on the sidelines and watch as someone they love does. On some levels, this is probably harder than going through the treatment itse...

Ill-imination Hacks for Every Occasion

Do you want to let something go from your life? For me, I could no longer deny specific foods were not doing my body good. I decided that the best thing for me was to do an ill-imination diet, also known as, an elimination diet. I needed to eliminate the ill, the disease. Our diet is anything that we take in, so if food is not what you need to release at this time, you can still use the below hacks to help you. I have to be honest, at the end of the school year when things were most stressful for me, cutting things out of my diet challenged me greatly. It takes great will power (that I obviously lacked as my energy was seeping out in other ways) to change to my eating plan, and it took intention that I had not thought to set. When my body started to scream at me in pain, I could no longer walk the path that I was on. Changing my thinking was a must. I had to remind myself that I was not being denied anything that was helping me. I had to gather my will power and set the intention t...