
Showing posts from February, 2020

"A Circuitous Route"

“God will sometimes lead you in what appears to you to be a circuitous route. He does it to prepare you for what [H]e is planning to do in your life. Trust that [H]e knows what [H]e is doing! Your plans and God’s plans are not always the same!”  -Bret Avlakeotes The space in between is like this, a subtle unassuming place where we must trust in what is possible and who is in charge. Before the fight, before the response, before the harvest... there is always something that had to happen first. In those moments, before, it is best for us to move slowly and listen carefully. How are you being called, and to do what? The only way to know is to take time to hear. This requires patience. You have never been here before. So patience for the road ahead will be required. If we force, or rush ahead too quickly, we are certain to stub, crack or break under the pressure. The route before us is not like the one that has brought us to here. And yet, here we are. Wherever we are on the pat...