"A Circuitous Route"
“God will sometimes lead you in what appears to you to be a circuitous route. He does it to prepare you for what [H]e is planning to do in your life. Trust that [H]e knows what [H]e is doing! Your plans and God’s plans are not always the same!” -Bret Avlakeotes
The space in between is like this, a subtle unassuming place where we must trust in what is possible and who is in charge. Before the fight, before the response, before the harvest... there is always something that had to happen first. In those moments, before, it is best for us to move slowly and listen carefully. How are you being called, and to do what? The only way to know is to take time to hear. This requires patience. You have never been here before. So patience for the road ahead will be required. If we force, or rush ahead too quickly, we are certain to stub, crack or break under the pressure.
The route before us is not like the one that has brought us to here. And yet, here we are. Wherever we are on the path, now is the moment we have been called to attend to. All the little and big moments before this have called us to this. And all the little and big moments that will happen going forward are made for our future nows. So how do we decipher what matters?
What matters is what calls one forward, the subtle voice of Source. In the above quote by Bret Avlakeotes, the minister at Spring Hills Church in Santa Rosa, he is speaking about “when the people of God came out of their bondage in Egypt, [how] God led them south toward the Red Sea. It was a much longer journey than just going straight across to the Promise[d] Land. God knew they were not ready to face the Philistines. They had to grow in their faith and see God’s provision before going up” (Avlakeotes). These people, and many throughout time, have been led to go, to do something, to speak up… and only did it make sense, and only then, when the hearing was ripe and prime for the hearer, did they do so.
The route we travel as human beings is not straight; that is the music and melody of life, the wave, the drum, the sun rises and sets, each day or night. We travel a slightly different route everyday without fail, even in our habituated paths. A step is shaky one day and just an inch off. With faith this is just a thing that one realizes to happen. But without trust that God knows what is happening in each moment, one can easily become weary. That one inch is profound in the space near and in doubt. But the space between, before, it is neither good nor bad, but neutral depending on one's perception to form its view.
So let us take a moment. I encourage you: take a moment now, and again. Slow down to hear. It may seem scary at times to sit in the muck, but you will not stay here. Yet, now, it is important for you to be right here. The patience, stillness, and trust that are required in this space is challenging at times and takes courage to access. Yet, it is in those moments that they matter the most, that the lesson and next best move can be revealed. The circuitous route is a time of preparation. It is a winter, a pregnancy, a hibernation. It requires skill, your skill, the skill you have been cultivating for this time to come. Like a mother who is overcome with a baby now too big for her womb, you will birth that which you have been feeding in to being, no doubt, and at the right time, no less.
The space in between is like this, a subtle unassuming place where we must trust in what is possible and who is in charge. Before the fight, before the response, before the harvest... there is always something that had to happen first. In those moments, before, it is best for us to move slowly and listen carefully. How are you being called, and to do what? The only way to know is to take time to hear. This requires patience. You have never been here before. So patience for the road ahead will be required. If we force, or rush ahead too quickly, we are certain to stub, crack or break under the pressure.
The route before us is not like the one that has brought us to here. And yet, here we are. Wherever we are on the path, now is the moment we have been called to attend to. All the little and big moments before this have called us to this. And all the little and big moments that will happen going forward are made for our future nows. So how do we decipher what matters?
What matters is what calls one forward, the subtle voice of Source. In the above quote by Bret Avlakeotes, the minister at Spring Hills Church in Santa Rosa, he is speaking about “when the people of God came out of their bondage in Egypt, [how] God led them south toward the Red Sea. It was a much longer journey than just going straight across to the Promise[d] Land. God knew they were not ready to face the Philistines. They had to grow in their faith and see God’s provision before going up” (Avlakeotes). These people, and many throughout time, have been led to go, to do something, to speak up… and only did it make sense, and only then, when the hearing was ripe and prime for the hearer, did they do so.
The route we travel as human beings is not straight; that is the music and melody of life, the wave, the drum, the sun rises and sets, each day or night. We travel a slightly different route everyday without fail, even in our habituated paths. A step is shaky one day and just an inch off. With faith this is just a thing that one realizes to happen. But without trust that God knows what is happening in each moment, one can easily become weary. That one inch is profound in the space near and in doubt. But the space between, before, it is neither good nor bad, but neutral depending on one's perception to form its view.
So let us take a moment. I encourage you: take a moment now, and again. Slow down to hear. It may seem scary at times to sit in the muck, but you will not stay here. Yet, now, it is important for you to be right here. The patience, stillness, and trust that are required in this space is challenging at times and takes courage to access. Yet, it is in those moments that they matter the most, that the lesson and next best move can be revealed. The circuitous route is a time of preparation. It is a winter, a pregnancy, a hibernation. It requires skill, your skill, the skill you have been cultivating for this time to come. Like a mother who is overcome with a baby now too big for her womb, you will birth that which you have been feeding in to being, no doubt, and at the right time, no less.
Take much heart. Listen well,
Sat Nam