Speak Up! Your Words Create Worlds.

I spend a lot of time contemplating. I have always been a thinker. The people who know me best know that words have always been my outlet, words in song. Yes, I'll take that. (Ask my family, they'll tell you that I used to rap all the time. LOL.)

No really, singing was my first love. But I was scared to sing in front of people, so I would sing when my dad would ask me to sing, when I was in the forest alone, or when I was at my high school performing arts school.

Going to a performing arts school, led me eventually to share my poems. I had been writing poems since... hum, I can't remember. It has been a love affair, an act to share love, for myself and with others.

When I started writing blogs some years ago, I realized that sharing my words in this format was helpful. I was not just writing in my journal, but sharing something that someone else could use.

I love that about words. They can help. They can resurrect, and they can also do just the opposite. Hurtful words can kill. They matter.

Recently I offered some words through the Dream Sessions program I crafted. During the week while holding space for the group who signed up, I sat with how this was an opportunity for these precious spirit beings to use their words to create, to use their words to dream in conscious color.

I know that five days is just the start of this process for them, but a good start when taken. As are our words...just a start. The action required after the words and our followthrough make all the difference. We can say whatever we want, but action, shakti energy, is what takes a word and shifts and shakes out a bud.

So, I challenge you. Speak up! And then follow your words with the energy that creates what you vibrate out. And if you don't like what you are saying ,or know you might not later, if you don't want "that" to come to fruition, don't say it. Pray it instead.

We can create a blessing or a curse. We have all felt both because we've all in one way or another spoke them into existence. Now is the time for right action, not just words. That is the glory of the human experience, we are on the leading edge of creation with the ability to not only think things but to take steps of inspired action.

I can't tell you what this will look like for you. We all have a unique purpose with regard to our words and actions. But I would like to give you a couple nudges or tips to get you on the trail to creating healthy, positive worlds in word and in deed.

1. Say nice things to yourself and others. The good you speak will come back to you.

2. Say "Thank you" A LOT. Gratitude is a great thing to put into your world. Look for ways and opportunities to say "Thank you" and follow it with thankful action, if possible.

3. DREAM. Take time everyday to remember your dreams. Sit with them to make sense of your sleeping and waking visions. This does not mean that they will make complete sense. But what can you see and understand in them? We have them for a reason. If you find a repeated pattern, pay attention so you can take steps to rectify a right action, to set the dream in motion, or to realize a pivot is necessary.

I am so grateful that I have access to words. It reminds me of how powerful I am as a spirit in body. I hope that you feel that way today. Be encouraged, friend. Share words from your precious heart because you are precious to the world and creation.



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