Growing BIGGER this Summer? Good!

What are you doing this summer? Do you have plans for fun, for growth, and/or travel?
I do.

Recently while in South Carolina, where most of my family now resides, I realized how
much fun it can be to feel one’s growth, and how travel, even short day trips, can help
one to rekindle possibility, creativity and fun, and open the heart and mind to what
is available.

I have not always liked the feeling of growth. It’s not always been fun. When pregnant
with my son, the feeling of growing bigger as he got bigger challenged me. At 25, I did
not want to feel big, be unable to touch my toes, or tie my shoes. At the end of my
pregnancy after growing 85 pounds!, getting out of bed was a problem, and I was
not having fun, though I was growing.

When traveling at various times in my life, things were not always fun then either. I may
not have been in a warm climate or with those that I love, so things felt harder to
appreciate. Though I could not help but grow, I was unable to squeeze the fun out
the experience.

Can you relate? Have you had an experience where you knew you could have had fun,
but didn’t? Was there ever a time when travel just did not get your goat? Can you
remember, or is that time now, when you were growing and it did not feel like much fun?

If that is you right now, now is the time to GROW BIGGER!

How can you find fun in the goings and comings of life, and true growth through your
travels? Is it possible to see that though things don’t always look the way you may
want, when traveling or otherwise, that there is fun to be had?

It is possible. There is fun in growth and travel and in all things. If we can be present
enough to be apart of what is brewing and brimming, we can find fun anywhere. We
can find fun everywhere if we apart of the flow of life, if we allow ourselves to grow bigger.

Allow yourself to grow bigger!

1. Start by letting go of your expectations.Telling yourself it must be this or that way to be fun,

means you miss out if it is not this or that way, alone. Go beyond that.

2. Make a plan and then say: “I will experience this, or better. I will see and feel the fun in this,
or better.” When you think that you will have a certain experience, and it does not happen
as you would expect, you can not enjoy what is.Make a plan and then allow it to grow and
become even better than you could have imaged. Being open to what can be beyond what
you’d expect, leaves the door open for you to step into possibility.

3. Practice by traveling to your backyard or a park. Close your eyes and travel to a place in
your mind even. Don’t expect anything. Relax into the experience. Be open to the fun that
will be there! Do what comes to mind as you bask in the space in which you have
chosen to experience in this or better.”

Find the fun in growth this summer. Find your fun in traveling, internally and/or externally.  
If things get heated, if you feel stretched to the limit, find a cool place to travel to, take time
to sit and listen to the heart and mind with a soft, tender ear.  And when you get wherever
you choose to go, whether in the mind or in another country, look for the fun. Don’t waste
time counting down to when things will conclude or commence. Waste no time being
downtrodden because things are not what you think they should be. Fun is right there,
even if at first we do not see it. Open to growing bigger; open to possibility.

Sat Nam

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