
Showing posts from January, 2010

Surya Namaskar Variation

                                 1. Tadasana / Mountain Pose                  with Anjali Mudra (Prayer hands)                   Start with the feet together.                        Evenly distribute your weight.     Ground down through your feet by tucking your tailbone under and pressing all four corners of   your feet into the earth. Length the crown of the head up toward the sky. Open your heart by rolling your shoulders back and down. 2.Extended Mountain/ Upward Salute with backbend On your inhale, li...

Surya Namaskar Explained

Please Read Before Going Further Surya Namaskar is known as “Sun Salutations”. A direct translation is "laying prostrate to worship the Sun." Surya Namaskar is a Sanskrit term. The process was originally used to worship the Hindu Sun god and therefore, the most auspicious time to practice Sun Salutations is in the morning, usually between 5 and 6 o’clock, as that is when the sun is rising. However, I find Sun Salutations at the beginning of a practice heating and limbering and often do them to lift my vibration when I can not fit in a whole 1-2 hour practice. They are also a great tool to promote focus during meditation helping to work the movement out of your body in order to allow sitting for a length of time. These salutations generally consist of 10-12 poses. Here, I have varied a beginners sequence to not only get us familiar with the poses but also to make this sequence fun for all. If you are interested in the more formal beginning sequence and would rather learn ...


Traveling my own path all of a sudden, I am inspired to realize how much of me was not me prior. I was working so hard to grow into something, I did not recognize, I already was. And yet, it is true, I am nothing. I am not sure how that works. Am I switching back and forth dangerously between being something and nothing? That sounds dangerous. It reminds me of a Bible verse where Jesus explains how we can not be both hot and cold. We can not be in one friends yard and at the same time in another, unless by chance we are sitting on the fence seriously hurting our genitalia. In that case, I’d say, it is physically dangerous. However serious I may be, when I think about the vast intricacies of God, nothing is all I am and yet with God, I am something. I watch. Fully absorbed in the scenes, I gather the heavy energies I have been working hard to dispel all day, and watch. A novice yoga student has traveled all over New York and India per the yogini director, looking to locate enlig...

Healing Hands Intro

“Healing Hands” maybe a touch on someone else’s territory. I am using the name that came to me when I decided to share my life practices with those of you whom may find it helpful or interesting. Ok, so…. Let’s get started. First things first, watch the “Healing Hands” intro. It will give you a chance to see first hand what I am attempting to create for and with you. It is important that all I am doing and saying be educational. I do not expect to always have the answers but I will not say things I do not understand. If by chance I say something that you do not understand, leave me a comment and I will get back to you. Since I know everyone reading is not a yogi or yogini (male/female person whom practices yoga), “Sat Nam” is something you just heard me say (if you watched the videoJ). “Sat Nam” means “I am truth”. This is not about ego. This is about sitting in the chair that belongs to you. Whatever you do, you are. “Namaste”, ano...