Healing Hands Intro

“Healing Hands” maybe a touch on someone else’s territory. I am using the name that came to me when I decided to share my life practices with those of you whom may find it helpful or interesting.

Ok, so…. Let’s get started. First things first, watch the “Healing Hands” intro. It will give you a chance to see first hand what I am attempting to create for and with you.


It is important that all I am doing and saying be educational. I do not expect to always have the answers but I will not say things I do not understand. If by chance I say something that you do not understand, leave me a comment and I will get back to you.

Since I know everyone reading is not a yogi or yogini (male/female person whom practices yoga), “Sat Nam” is something you just heard me say (if you watched the videoJ). “Sat Nam” means “I am truth”. This is not about ego. This is about sitting in the chair that belongs to you. Whatever you do, you are.

“Namaste”, another word I say often, means “I bow to you”. I bow to the beauty of you, your truth and divine essence. Since you are me and I, you, I bow to myself in you. Too much?

These words may seem like fluff, but if we are to go anywhere together we must leave judgment and reticule behind. It is, in the sappy respectful phrases, that we drop the ideas that anyone is better than their sum. We leave behind the stuff that does not serve growth and we spiritually unfold.

I also use the term “Sat Ra”, a personal favorite. This means “I am the sun”. I like to close with this phrase. It reminds me that I am big, bright and beautiful.

I challenge you, as I continue to post “Healing Hands” in 2010, to use these phrases as well. You will find the level of respect that you have for yourself and those with which you say these things will flourish. So much begins with a word.

The first “Healing Hand” is coming soon. It is based on displaying various level Sun Salutations (I’ll explain later. You’ll be fine. Promise).

Enjoy all. Sat Ra Namaste.


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