Surya Namaskar Variation
1. Tadasana / Mountain Pose
with Anjali Mudra (Prayer hands)
Start with the feet together.
Evenly distribute your weight.
Ground down through your feet by tucking your tailbone under and pressing all four corners of your feet into the earth. Length the crown of the head up toward the sky. Open your heart by rolling your shoulders back and down.
2.Extended Mountain/ Upward Salute with backbend
On your inhale, lift your hands above your head keeping your arms in line with your ears. Be conscious of your lower ribs so they do not stick out; draw them in. Remain grounded through the feet.
3.Uttanasana/ Forward Fold
Exhale. Fold forward from the hips. Touch the earth. Feel free to gently bend the knees if the back of the legs are tight. Allow the back of your neck to be long by tucking your chin slightly.
4.Ardha Uttanasana/ Half Forward Fold
Inhale. Raise the head and look forward being careful to keep the neck long as you do. Hold on the shins lightly and flatten your back. Press the sitting bones (butt bones) back and lenghten the spine forward.
(Revisit) 5.Uttanasana
Exhale. See above for instructions
6.Kumbhakasana/ Plank Pose
Hold the breath. Press into the full length of your fingers so as not to put too much stress on the wrists. Extend the spine through the crown of the head and push back through your heels while tucking the tailbone under.
7. Modified Chaturanga Dandasana/ Modified Staff Pose
Exhale. Bring your knees, chest and chin to the earth. Keep your sitting bones/ butt bones in the air. Find length in the neck by keeping your shoulders back and drawing your elbows into the body.
8.Bhujangasana I/ Cobra Pose
Inhale. Press your hands firmly into the floor and feel as if you are dragging your hands back towards your chest. This will allow you to lift your heart. Spread your fingers. Draw your shoulders down your back and press the entire top of your feet into the earth. Lengthen your spine and feel your neck an extension of it.
9.Adho Mukha Svanasana/ Downward Facing Dog
Exhale. Press into your whole hand into the earth and slightly grip the floor with your finger tips. Press your sitting bones/ butt bones back into the space behind you. Relax your neck down while lengthening the spine. Melt your heart back toward your thighs. Press your heels down toward the earth. It is ok if they do not come all the way to the ground.
(right leg )
Inhale as you step your foot back. Press through the heel of the extended leg and feel your leg move away from the floor. Extend through the crown of your head and lengthen your spine.
-Follow directions above for the poses shown below. Be sure to breathe as directed-
(Left Leg)