My Stress Busting Holiday/ Everyday Growth List

I've smoked, talked too much about too much, eaten too much of the wrong foods and drank way more than one night should have allowed me. I believe it is time to stop looking for the fix that feels easy and create a list of fixes that work for us, not against us.

Here is the list I pull out when I am stuck, when the day is not bright, when I feel heavy, and the people around me feel even heavier. Use mine or create your own.

1. Pray: Do more here than just utter a prayer.Pray about all that troubles you and all that you are grateful for as well. Be real with the creator and allow Him to be real in return. Say something new and He will do something new in return.

2. Work out: I have recently discovered the treadmill. I want to push myself harder each time, beat my last record, or go a little further. When I am done, I feel good about myself. I have drained myself of excess emotion and thought.

3. Yoga: I have to be careful here. Sometimes, with skirt or dress on, I just drop to my knees and do some cat cows-- this is scary for my 6 year old (hahaha).  But for any normal human being, do what feels good to your body (with the appropriate attire on) especially when you are not feeling the best inside. A personal favorite for me right now is utthita tikonanasana (extended triangle pose). It extends me, exposes my heart, opens me and allows me to look up and out of myself.

4. Read: I have been reading the best book lately, "The Namesake" by Jhumpa Lahiri. Though, I have to admit, if you choose to read it, that I did cry during parts of it. I found that the writing was so good, I was feeling the main characters' thoughts and emotions as my own.

5. Have a cup of tea: I like the Stash brand myself. I am hooked on the lemon ginger or the chai-- when I'm really having a moment and need to feel cozy, I go to the chai bag. There are also teas that have uplifting factors: Citrus, Chamomile or Rose teas are a great place to start.

6. Give something positive: I have been keeping a bag inside my closet so that I can give clothes away regularly. As soon as I fill a bag up, I give it away. But, you don't even have to give clothes. In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and in the Bible alike, giving is best when done with a right attitude.Consider what you are giving always, and the feeling you get in return can uplift instantly.

7. Meditate with deep breathing: There are some people who meditate daily and still feel gloom. The reason is that they continue after meditating to look in the same metaphysical direction. Meditate to change where you look when you reopen your eyes to the world.

I appreciate meditations focused on specific things. However, I am clear and calm when I place my right hand on my heart and my left on my stomach and breathe. Sometimes I count my breaths. Sometimes I don't. I make sure though, however I start my mediation, be it with a focus or without, that I stay with it the length of  time I am meditating.

8. Sing: Sing happy songs. Sing songs about joy. If you can't sing chant. If you can't chant hum. Make a joyful noise.

9. Write: I have a healer who suggests "Writing and Burning." I love this technique because I can do it with my eyes closed, literally. I like to sit to do this. I usually find myself on the floor-- weird or may be not. I have a book designated to my write and burns, so I am not upset to tear out the page. With pen in hand and a blank page of my notebook, I close my eyes and begin writing anything. When I feel I am at the end of the page, I go back up to the top. I keep writing until my hand expires and I have nothing left to say. Then, I burn the paper-- with all of the things my heart has revealed to me-- all consumed by the flames.

10. Gratitude List: Create a list, on paper or aloud, of all the things you are grateful for.

Each of these techniques takes commitment. Be committed to yourself. Be committed to your growth. Happy Holidays...
The Peace of Nature


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