Prep for Inactive Work-- It is Meditation (Sorry for the misspellllling.)
When I sit for meditation, I take the time to move first. Even if the movement is just rolling through the vertebra in the neck and movement through the stuck places with the breath; I get the chitta vritti (mind chatter) out of the way through the breath and movement. I find compassion for my body as it prepares for the work that is to come next. I create a clear channel for reception. I open my muscles and flesh. Historically, Yoga in India was not just asana (poses). Yoga was meditation, prayer and chanting as well. The compartmentalization of Yoga and the creation of brands have, without a doubt, forced many a beginner to tell their teacher they are not flexible enough; they can not get into the “pretzel pose,” Yoga Nidrasana, which makes Yoga look like circus fun. The segregation of Yoga in studios is definitely one of the many ways practitioners have come to teach one type of asana over another, chant or focus. It is one of the reasons that prayer is left out of the studio and...