2012 Energies
2012 Energies I’ve felt it: The swirl of 2012 and since I’ve felt it, I have been speaking with everyone I know about it. That is, I’ve been speaking about “2012 Energies”—that is what I am coining it. It is time of newness; it is a time of old things passing away; it is a time of confusion and clarity. And the polarity of contradiction is huge. It’s at this mid point that we should stop and take stock of what has passed and what is to come with regard to the energy that can take us for a ride if we are not careful. Energetically, it is not unlike a tornado catching those that are not grounded and those things that are not founded. Ideas run amuck, good and bad. It is now that good friend: family or otherwise, are important. Find the friends-family you trust and listen to what is really be said, inside of you as well as from them. Sit with it all….By that I mean, think about the thought, decision… with as much objectivity as you can find. Pray about it. Meditate ...