Relationships Are Key

We are here to be one with each other. We were one before we came, and we are going to return to that one stance when it is time. We can return at death, or we can cultivate the one as we interact now. We can cultivate the one through our daily interactions. We can plant the seed and water it daily with positive intention and clear focus on what we would like to feel as a whole.

One-consciousness starts inside. It begins with a tuning and letting go of the mind-body, being a watcher of the thoughts and allowing them to be separate from us. Eradicating the ego, so the things you would want not to do are realized before they materialize. Yet, it does not stay inside. 

This last week, I have found myself in the seat of the observer quite often. I had prayed for this opportunity, and though I wanted to step into my circle to look out, I realized that one cannot go into themselves and forget that we are here with others. Yes, inside we have an intimate one’s-self. But that one’s-self, though clean and pure and unchanging, has been actualized in a body-mind that is material and becomes shrouded by false means of being. So, with our interaction here in this space and time, we are allowed to see the mask, and even more importantly allow it to dissolve.

As I observed myself, mostly my thoughts and interactions with and about others revealed pieces that I’d added to the pure circle unnecessarily. It was actually quite frightening. I thought “WOW, that is really F-ed up Court.” But it was there. As an observer, it starred me in my face, and there was no running from it. I could not pretend it was not being said or felt. 

I called my sister this week to share this most intimate reveal. (If you know me, you know I don’t call anyone very often.) So, I called her, and thank God she answered. I started the beat down process: The “How could I, I’m horrible” mantra. And she told me something I knew but could not remember, a scripture my mom used to share, and a old friend/first lady with who studied The Bible with me years ago told me…and the list of sharers goes on. They’d all said: “There go I, but for the grace of God.” My mother used to say that when she’d see someone disfigured or begging for money. My friend did not say it in the same words maybe, but she said it. It was clear that I couldn’t act as if I was not apart of the collective struggle. We are all granted the measure of grace, which God allows. That is my belief, but this is not about that, so much as the fact that my interactions however brief, beautiful or intense showed me the way back to myself again.

For years, I have been practicing my yoga by myself. It has been economical, easy-- cause I am always available at the right time for myself, and tailored specifically for me. I do think this is necessary, but again, something another interaction, while living with a friend recently during a tumultuous time, helped me to see. We need to connect with others during our daily activities. We need to connect with others on purpose. We need to plan gatherings to bring each other back when we are disconnected to the truth of ourselves. We need to plan them and go to them.

 It is true; we will leave this earth alone even if our bodies are not. While we are here, we should find comfort in what we can learn about ourselves from one another, and expose ourselves more fully to the glory of what we will be when we are blessed to go home.


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