At any particular time there are stimuli. It is with each moment that you must choose to which stimuli you will respond. With the heart open and the energy flowing freely, there is more opportunity to FEEL what will be the appropriate focus and to line up action, word, thought or energy—the most subtle.

The best response is within the energetic grid. It is here that we connect most clearly, to remove all of the excess substance to allow direct access. We have our own grid, and we have the bigger grid from which we were enlivened. Connection to this grid is becoming increasingly important as we shift to being higher consciousness, opening to our true reality. As matter of fact, with the proper alignment, soon there will be no choice. Our true reality will be all there is.

At moments, I know that this is possible, real, happening. I become a witness, fully aware. I witness the feelings that come out of my being and toward my being and because I am tapped into the grid at those moments, I respond. Sometimes the response is as simple as a prayer. Sometimes the lack of response is the response itself. It starts with me. It starts with me opening to the ways in which I can affect others, and considering what it is necessary for me to contribute to the collective body of Christ.

We are apart of the amazing, new energetic birth of Christ Consciousness on Earth. There is no escaping that. It has been happening for a while. Some will accept their part, others will opt out. But that does not mean it is not happening. Everyone can feel the difference in our planet, our interactions and hopefully, within themselves. The more we line up with this understanding, the better the collective growth. The more the experience will be exciting rather than chaotic.

It is time to make decisions because they are the best for all. That does not mean compromise your standing. If you are plugged in, you will know it. You will feel it. But you do have to take time to recognize what this feels like and to practice aligned response. And with that, very soon, it is time to not just align, but express the true nature of the self, which is perfectly aligned without effort.

The choices you make, where you stand, how you stand will not be understood by everyone right now. The decisions that you make may baffle many, but you must persist in alignment. Bring source as it should be into your awareness. Ultimately and most importantly, BE YOURSELF.

Feel Your True Self Meditation

(With each call to breathe, slowly inhale through the nose. Let the breath rise up in your body. Let the breath fill belly, lower chest, upper chest and back body. Hold the breath slightly at the top of the inhale. Exhale through the nose. At the bottom of the exhale, contract your abdominals—draw them toward your back body to release all. Use the exhale to expand your awareness beyond your body vehicle.)
Sit on the grass, if you can, with your back straight, your heart open (shoulders rolling back and down, allow your belly to contract and move toward your backbody in order to support the spine and the lift of your heart). Breathe into that opening.

Your legs are crossed/ relaxed. Relax your neck on your shoulders and your head on your neck. Ground through your sitting bones by moving the flesh of your seat out to each side of your body. Slightly tuck the tail.  Tell yourself: “Nothing is forced now. All is effortless.” Breathe.

Feel light on the earth. Feel your spine perpendicular to the earth. Connect with the earth. Feel it’s presence underneath you. Feel the simple and subtle connection of any part of your body in contact. Recognize each part of your being that touches the Earth and its exchange of heat (vibration). Feel it. Breathe.

Touch the earth lightly with your hands. Sit with the feeling generated effortlessly. Sit with the love you feel for the support you are provided. Feel gratitude for the Earth, feel gratitude for yourself, your body, your connection. Repeat the mantra: “My connection is effortless.” Receive on the inhale, and feel your connection. Exhale. Let your awareness spread out and encompass all.

Sit with yourSELF.

Sat Nam


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