Your True Nature: Sattva

Each quality acts in its own turn at different times. All the three qualities cannot operate at one and the same time. When one quality asserts itself or predominates by overpowering or suppressing the other two, it produces its own effect. Sattva produces knowledge and happiness; Rajas action; Tamas veiling of knowledge, inertia, error, indolence, sloth and sleep. When Sattva is in the ascendant in a man, he is endowed with discrimination. Sublime thoughts roll in his mind. He has pure understanding. His mind turns away from sensual pleasures and moves inward towards the Self.”

                                    - Bhagavad Gita (14.10), Swami Sivananda

We are constantly teetering between having balance and seeking balance. It is true, as soon as we acknowledge having, ego gets involved, and balance is minimized. As soon as we think we are meditating, we are not. As soon as we draw our attention outward, we are no longer balanced within. 

Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing, is based on the idea of balance in each bodily system. All matter come from Parkritti; within the body these are called gunas. They are broken into three primary states/phases; Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. There is a lot to be said about these, but for the purposes of this blog and for the betterment of one aspect of your practice and life, we will focus on Sattva, since Sattva, balance and harmony can balance out both Rajas and Tamastic states. 

Sattva categorizes the movement of human connection to the God, the world, self and others, as we move in the body. Each one of us can acknowledge this Sattvic energy within us by what we are do and our perspective on life. Are we connected to the whole or lacking? Balance is our divine right. Sattvic thinking and action involves what so many of us seek but already have: recognition that we have nothing to prove and nothing to hide; we are in harmony with Consciousness. It is easy to forget this and just as easy to remember.  

Acknowledge your Sattvic Energy


1. Before we step on our mat or into life, first sit with the SAT (that which is true and perfect). Step into harmony. See God’s place inside of you and nurture this reality into view. Acknowledge that your ultimate nature is Sattvic and welcome yourself into communion with the Divine as the divine.

2. Say a prayer or set an intention at the beginning of your practice or day is one way to create fluid and harmonic connection with God. Let the intention or prayer be a guide for your experience, not a pity party. Focus on what you have and what you would like to cultivate further. This does not have to be specific, though it can be. It can be as simple as, “Bringing kindness for myself into my experience” or “Standing firmly in my feet" or " I stand in my own truth.” Feel the vibration of the words that you speak. Feel how your body responds after you have uttered your focus. 

3. Study and show yourself the truth. No one can tell you what your truth is. They should not have to. You have everything that they have. Look for the answer within yourself, read and consult texts that move you. See the harmony that has always been and will continue to be through a study of God's words-- seek the truth. 

Physical Balance

Balance begins in the thoughts, but radiates out. You will see balance in what you say and do, and you can address this idea of Sattva in many ways within the body.

  1. Eat more Sattvic food: organic vegetables, which contain more prana, life-force energy.
  2. Going to sleep earlier, sitting for meditation or stillness each day.
  3. Step on to your mat or into a meeting practicing poses that allow you to see what is in store as you stand on one foot, one hand, or your tippy toes to observe what happens when you are altered/ weakened. How does Source come through each time?

When Sattvic energy is acknowledged, you follow God’s lead back to Yourself, already perfect though it may not appear to be. Be light about it all—that IS what you are.

Sat Nam. Namaste.

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