Battle NOT! Honor your Power and from whence it flows....

Sometimes, we get caught up in how/what other people are feeling, so deeply, that we lose ourselves. We see the expression on their faces and get caught in assumptions about what the expression might mean. Sometimes we ask, never to really know. We may even think this to be an indication of who we are or what we are doing. They don’t like it. They do like it. We don’t like or do like as result.

I grew up trying to please people, so for me, these looks, the good and the not so good, were important. Over the years, I have had to come back to a mantra that has served me well. NO ONE can judge me. Even when they do, we don’t have to battle their thoughts/ feelings. We have our own.

Here are 3 ways to Honor your Power and the Source, from whence it flows. 

1. Take your power back!
Recognize that you are in control of the things that you focus on. Rather than focusing on someone else’s assumed thought/feeling, we can focus on our own. We can most often know what our personal thoughts/feelings are and do something about them. Utilize your choice to focus where you want. This is power that belongs to you, for which you do not have to battle.

2. Fall in love with who you are!!
For yourself and to yourself, point out the things that you do that make you happy. Point out the things that you say/think that make you laugh. Internally point to your natural qualities, the qualities that exist without you having to do anything special. These things are unique to you and special-- Only you can do them in the way that you can. Appreciate yourself; this honors Source, with your gratitude for what you have been given. 

3. Go inside more! 
Take quiet time, meditations, journaling, practice-- whichever happens to be your way, seriously. This is not an option for a people pleaser; this is a must. Going inside more does not mean that you ignore others. We need relationships. However the better you are at being with yourself, the better you will be when with others. You will be less swayed. You will know what you like and what you don’t. This is incredibly soothing for the psyche because no matter where anyone else stands, you know where you are in relation. This must be cultivated, however, so don’t neglect yourself here. This tip is #3, not because it is least important. On the contrary, it is VERY IMPORTANT!

These tips are not just for the people pleaser, as you can see. They are about letting go of the external battle and returning to love. We all need that! Take care of yourself to take care of others and honor Source. You are worthy of your focus, your love, and your time.

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