Say NO to the Rat Race and Yes to Balance!

Before you read anymore, I have a couple questions to ask you. 1. Do you feel like you are always moving and doing and never fully resting and relaxing?
2. Do you feel like you don't have enough time? Are you more often than not running late or running out of time?

The culture that we are within is one of many go getters. We live in a nonstop culture, which tells us: "go get" or "have not." It's no wonder, for centuries masculine energy of fast and furious has been the guide to "success." The people who appear successful are the ones who go after the cookie and get the job done, right?

However, many of these same people get the cookie and before they can enjoy it, crash and burn, fast and furiously. Having worked so hard to get what they've fought for, they've train themselves to keep going even when the cookie is in their possession. This is the rat race. "After THIS, then I'll eat the cookie," they say. They could sit down to eat it and enjoy it, but they really don't know how.

Like the above rat racer, do you struggle to relax?  

When you're on vacation, if you take them, do you find it hard to unplug and do nothing work related? 

I do not ask these questions because you shouldn't go after those things that you would like in your life. I ask these questions because what the truly successful people know that many of us, searching for the cookie, do not is that there must be balance between work and rest. You have to have both. Say NO to the rat race and YES to Rest and Work, Rest and Work balance.

When this balance happens and your TRUE SELF steps on the scene, the time you thought you didn't have will appears. The thing you thought you had to do will disappear, leaving you more time to focus on the things that matter from a relaxed vantage point. From there, all kinds of work gets done, with much less effort and much more joy.

Read about acknowledging and balancing to locate the TRUE SELF >> HERE<<

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