Where is your capital B.L.I.S.S.?

Where is YOUR B.L.I.S.S.?

After a good day, after things fall in line, after making love, we feel in bliss, often only feeling bliss in conjunction with an act. If the experience ends in peace, calm, exhilaration or joy, we would say that we are blissed out. And yes, this may be true. Still, bliss is more than something to be induced. Bliss is one of your bodies. Bliss is a pure state of being.

Bliss (Anandamaya) is identified as one of the lightest sheaths surrounding the atman, the true self. It must be noted that we have five koshas, energetic lampshades, surrounding the self all of which must be peeled back to experience the bliss body.

You can read more about the koshas here. What you will find is that the anadamaya kosha is not about experiences making us feel good. Though good experiences can help us to glimpse this feeling temporarily, the anadamaya kosha is about opening to and remembering your birthright state of being.

With awareness to our authentic open heart and lightness, our true experience of bliss, is realized. When we can recognize this "fullness" closest to the truth of who we are, and peel back even this layer, we admit and commit to being more fully all of who we are.

In and from this space, we realize our cup as full, no matter what experiences arise. We realize no one, or thing, can take or bring the fullness to or from our cup, but rather our allowing and acknowledgment of  our bigness beyond the bodies.

How can you locate the bliss body if you do not know bliss? Or, if the only time you feel anything close to this is when you are experiencing the best of life?

There are many ways to locate your self beyond the physical, to remind yourself that you are bliss. Here are a few easy ways to begin looking inside to experience your capital B. L. I. S. S!

1. B....ecome aware of your breath. Recognize your natural inhales and exhales as they flow in and out of your body. Is the breath shallow (in the chest) or deep (in the belly)? Can you feel this breath in your back body? Does your ribcage expand as a result of the breath? Just take the time to observe the miracle of breathing in and out. Experiencing how great it is to receive and let go with such a simple and plentiful act is an opportunity to see that no matter what comes and goes, you are.

2. L....augh. Even if the laugh begins as a farce, do it anyway. Laughing is medicine. It uplifts and lightens the energy.

Lighten your diet. Eat less at night. Have your heaviest meal at lunch so that your digestive system has an opportunity to break down all that you have given it. Feeling lighter physically will allow you to feel lighter overall, thus it will be easier to open to the lightness which is you.

3. I....nform your posture.  A long spine allows energy to move through the body. Heavy energy can become light. Spend less of your time hunched, with arms crossed, shoulders rounded forward or the heart headed downward. Where attention goes energy flows. Your spine is the physical tower communicating with that which is beyond as through the spinal cord, nerves branch out.

4. S....ing an uplifting, "light" song. Many cultural traditions and practices know this well: sound can heal. Mantra heals. Words have power. Hearing the sound of your voice as it radiates sound, hearing sound as it vibrates at a certain hertz, that rings true to your body, means a deeper connection with yourself, tapping you deeper into your bliss body.

5. S....tretch your body/mind. Movement is King. Stillness is its mate, its Queen. Neither one greater than the other. Both play their own role and are necessary at varying intervals. The movement that makes you feel lighter as a result, do. The stillness found in self-study, either through religion/ spiritual practice, meditation, prayer... that helps you clear your mind clutter and move with intention, do.

Practice the above B.L.I.S.S. techniques to remind yourself that you are bliss. As your easy, light, self resurfaces, you will have more compassion and empathy to offer yourself and others. And you will learn that practicing B.L.I.S.S. though helpful, does not give us bliss, but reminds you that you are.

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