Heal and Clear for Balance at the Heart

What does it mean to be balanced? What can one do to find balance? And, how can it be sustained?

Recently, I have been contemplating these questions because so much can appear to be in or out of balance in the world. If you look with your two eyes, it can seem from day to day that a great many things are not as they should be. The rich can continue to get rich, and the poor can continue in their path the same. No matter how much one might pray for it to be different, for all of us to be free and vital, our eyes show us people who are unhappy, struggling to make ends meet and unhealthy in their body-mind and spirit. Maybe you can relate?

We've also seen the rich become poor, bank accounts or life energy depleted. The rich sports athlete does not take care of their income/ energy flow/ body, and at the end of their career, they have none of their once acquired gains to show for their time. Or, the come-up scenario where the poor, who through hard work or Divine intervention reconnect with who they are and find inner or outer wealth. These things happen every day.

This, what feels in balance (cause we like it) or out of balance (cause we don't) can be about our health, our careers, those in power, or those who feel powerless. This can be in how Mother Earth is held with honor or not, or how children are misused or abused. And no matter what, this is most importantly about relationships, our relationship to the things that are in and around us, how we perceive them, and how we line up with the lessons our life experiences are attempting to teach us. 

If we focus on all of these things at once, and the way they look from an unbalanced view, we can be overwhelmed. And yes, all will feel like it is not the way it should be. But no matter how things look, there is something happening that we can not see that is using everything for the good, to find equilibrium. I once read and reiterate: The Earth will continue to find balance, whether we are able to do that with her is up to us. 

In all cases, to balance or be in harmony, is to align with our true nature. But in order to do this,  we must practice coming home to the heart, tuning in and creating space so we remember that we are not all knowing. We can not see all that is and must work with what we have, to do what we can, to find balance within ourselves so that we can show up in our lives with more love. 

And yes, we can do something! 

Repeat after me: 

"I am letting go of the pity party and anything else that holds me back." 

"I am balanced in body-mind and spirit."

"I am whole and vital."

Say it again! Say it firmly! 

Truth is your identity.

What we vibrate into our cells through our words/sound/ posture matters. The longer we stay in our can'ts, the longer we keep ourselves out of relationship to balance. To sustain our balance we can practice many things, from physical postures, to affirmations, but first it is important to heal our self-defeating view(s), the views that tell us we are disabled in some way and incapable of changing our circumstances. We must heal and clear so we have space to come back to who we are, innately, at our core. We are love. 

We can practice this together. 

Here are three ways (NOW, SOON and LATER) that you can join me in the practice to heal and clear for balance at the heart.  


1. Tune in at the heart and feel what you are feeling with some sound and movement. Use this short 20 minute video to feel into sensations at your heart. Vibrate sound at the heart and sense how powerful you are when you are living in your truth. 


2. Join me for Self-Care Sunday, an in-person workshop to Awaken your Independence (July 11th). If you live near or in the Sonoma County area, this Sunday a friend of mine, Jesse, and I will be offering a practice to Awaken Independence. To do this we will take time to align with/ come into harmony with who we are through kundalini movement to master your domain and sound to heal and clear. Here is the link to sign up. 


3. If you can't be in person, you can join me  Wednesdays 6:45-7:45 PT live on Zoom for the 2nd class in the Align at the Heart series: Heal and Clear (or with the recordings) . This class will be a combination of yoga modalities to include vinyasa and kundalini movement, mantra (sound) and meditation.  Here is the link to sign up. Get all the classes and resources in our Google Classroom. This is a five-week series with four more live classes for you to enjoy and recordings of all classes for you to practice with as often as you can and would like. 

What we practice will be what we live. Our practice will inform our wellbeing. We can heal and clear and sustain more balance more of the time. We can. We just have to practice it. 

I hope to practice balancing with you soon. 

Sat Nam, 



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