Divine Timing
Patience is an important virtue full of ripe lessons. One must be still to behold her, and she must be held with honor or none of her vital juices will be obtained. This is Divine timing in short. We can not force her to give us what we want. Without care, she will not produce.
This year with California being in a drought like never before, I have stopped watering my grass. My once green grass has turned brown. I am Ok with this as I would rather have water to drink and bathe in than to worry about my curb appeal at this time. Still, I have other plants in my yard that need watering, so it has been a trial to discover how much water I can not give them and still have them thrive. How much is just enough?
Opening to Divine timing
For a while, I stopped watering to see what would happen. Weeks went by. The leaves on my lemon tree showed signs of dehydration. Her leaves began to yellow, and her fruit remained small and green, taking much longer this year to ripen.
She will ripen certainly, but I have had to be patient and observant. Without ample water, she would continue to struggle to become full of the sour liquid that she naturally gives when cared for adequately.
I think I have found her sweet (or rather sour) spot now. She will be just fine, but I am reminded through this unveiling that we all have needs. If we neglect them or force a becoming, we can not reach our full potential. There is adequate amount and time for everything that is to be. We just have to open to it.
What are your needs? And how often do you need them to thrive? When is the right time?
Divine timing is about the bigger picture. Divine timing is about observing our needs, sitting and listening for when the right time to act, or otherwise, makes itself known. Divine timing is about being an observer of what happens around us naturally, as Nature decides, so that we can move in accord.
We do not control the Divine or Its timing, but we can be observant, patient, and responsive to the information that It yields. We can meet the needs of this time with wisdom as we attend to the bigger picture, or as big of the picture as we can see to respond to so that we thrive as a collective during Its time.
I am excited to have lemons again. But I am even more excited to know that I have done my part here in this small way to save what did not have to be used so that we all can have what is necessary, at least as far as I can see and do.
With patience, we can all be available for this mission. We can believe that even though things don't look the way we might want, they are always the way that they should be. We can believe that our needs will be met as we pay attention to the bigger need, as we serve the greater good in Divine timing and order. Might we watch, wait and respond when the time is right? Yes, that will be Divine!