pranyama for cleansing and soothing

This Pranayama is explained in three short videos (poor editing on my behalf). Watch all three-- each one is no more than a couple minutes, and learn a new breathing technique accompanied with movement to sweep the stale energy out of your temple and bring fresh prana (vital energy) in.

In the 3rd video, my hands move out of the video. Just so you are clear about what my hands are doing, I will give some explanation.

Begin with your hands at your heart, (Anjali mudra), bring your hands up together through the midline on your inhale. Bring your hands down to your sides on your exhale. Inhale them back up above your head, inhale. Here, interlace your fingers without letting your palms touch, so opening your palms toward the floor, exhale as you press the prana gathered in. Straighten your arm at the bottom of your exhale and with fingers still interlaced, press your palm away from you. Sweep out all stale energy (apana) on your inhale. Release your fingers above your head and exhale as your hands part ways and flow down to your sides. Inhale they move back up above your head, where palms press together, (Anjali mudra). Exhale your hands back to your heart.

Repeat this sequence for 3-5 minutes. Then, rest in the soothing embers of the tapas (heat) you have created.


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