Following a thought-feeling…
Where do “valuable” feelings originate? And, mind you, they are all “valuable”; it is how quickly we can make sense of their value by feeling them that is really the key. Now is always the time. _______________________________________ There is a continuum of thoughts and feeling that we pattern, that we experience throughout our lives, daily, and moment by moment. They change. They begin again. This is scary for some to consider because most do not like the thoughts that they think very much. However, if we are the ones thinking them, then we have control over the attention we give to them, and therefore, control over them. And that is the best thing to know about this idea of thought patterning; we are in control. We are the creators, and that’s really most of the answer. These thoughts, all of them come from inside of us to produce a feeling, or the feeling produces the thought, that is map to our manifestations. So though these two things (thoughts and feeli...