About Courtney Rohan

For years, Courtney Rohan thought that she was just a middle school teacher, who taught yoga. Now she knows she is just a teacher. Yes, she is that. To the core of her being, she is a teacher. She thrives when others learn more about themselves, can think differently or more intently about things, and when one remembers who they really are. It satisfies her to offer insight into a situation, pose or thought. So teaching is what she does to remind people that they are not their circumstance, body or thought, and they are capable of change if they desire.
For over 10 years, Courtney has taught middle school English and yoga to a variety of teachers and students with varying needs. During this time, she has enjoyed living up and down the east coast from New Hampshire to South Carolina, providing students multifaceted uses of yoga to address life, singing, writing and delving deeper into spiritual practices. And her teachers are just as varied as her students and offerings.
Courtney has, over the past twelve years, been insighted with what it means to align for the good of one’s soul by great teachers: Daniel Orlansky, the originator of Meridian Yoga and an amazing Kundalini teacher; Carrie Tyler, the founder of the Rasamaya Method of Movement; Jennifer Yarro, director and owner of Frog Lotus Yoga and founder of The Triple Gem School of Thai Massage; Alexandra Holmes, senior teacher at Dhyana Yoga, who offers a Dynamic Flow Immersion that changes a yoga teacher’s thinking about poses, class structure and philosophy. She has, as she would say, stepped into a huge vat of yogic serum with which she believes any true student of yoga would agree.
Courtney’s interaction with each one of her teachers, even those unmentioned, has been sweet. She has received a 200 hour certification in the Yoga of Energy Flow, a Bachelor’s degree in English and Psychology, and a Master’s in Education, while being filled by immersions, workshops, bodywork, and interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences. See, Courtney is a cancer survivor, and though this, as well as any other label, does not define her, she feels the human experience, contemplates it and shares it. She gives credit to God and those who have shared their study. Their lineage has spilled into her soul, healed her and now heals the people she touches.

And all of that puts Courtney Rohan happily right here with you. She currently lives in South Carolina with her ten-year-old son, while her husband of 14 years paves a path to the Bay area of California. She will teach yoga wherever she is. She currently works for herself as Courtney Rohan Yoga. Her services include yoga classes, private instruction: a path to launching and sustaining your yoga practice, Intuitive Coaching and Thai Yoga Massage. She is passionate and sincere about her life as a teacher and a student.  

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