Activities You Can Do to Enhance Your Detox

While detoxing it is essential to move, and it is essential to entertain activities to enhance your well being and focus. With movement, you move toxins out of the body, move lymph, aid digestion, breathe deeper and fight stress. Though these activities are not just about movement. Here are some things you can do while you are detoxing, to not only move the body but to increase your overall well being.

Please remember that while detoxing your water intake will be a must. So, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!! Add lemon to your luke-warm water to alkalize the water, which increase blood oxygenation, balances the bodies PH and better assists in cleanses the molecules in your body. Starting the day with this lemon water will kick start your metabolic systems and begin the body on the journey to a great detox.

And by all means, Take your mushrooms!

Stretch before all of your physical activities to avoid injury. If you need suggestions about what stretches to do, consult: for some easy stretches anyone can do.

Do at least one of these, or an activity of your choosing, every day of your detox for 30 minutes to an hour. 

1. Walk- Walk around the block several times. Hike up a mountain or on a trail. Wherever you walk, make your walk meaningful. For some people an easy walk is all that is necessary as they do not move very much, but whatever you choose as your pace and distance, move with intention and challenge the body to keep moving the whole time. You can also make this into a meditation. To read more about a walking meditation by Charles Maclnerney read here:
As my husband shared with me: "When a person walks, he experiences objects one by one at a pace agreeable to the body."-Robert Bly

2. Swim- Swimming is one of the most invigorating activies you can employ. If you are a swimmer, you know already what a couple laps can do for the body. For those of you who do not swim often, swimming a lap with breaks to regain your focus and intention will be necessary. This is OK. Just set a timer and swim a lap with breaks in between. Just do not give up on yourself. If this is the activity that you choose for the day, make it count. Swim with utmost effort and intention to move your body. Truthfully, walking through water, if you can not swim, creates great resistance for the legs and if you move your arms too, you can reap great full body benefits from just walking in the water.

3. Ride your bike- If you have a bike and a safe place to ride, the benefits of riding your bike are endless. Even on zero incline, riding a bike will get your heart rate right where it needs to be and allow your whole body to move. Feel the wind on your face as you press into your heels. Sit back on your seat and relax your grip around the handle bars. Relax into the ride, and if you get an opportunity to go down the hill, and you feel comfortable, take your hands off the handle bars.

4. Yoga- Any yoga class will allow you to move your body. There are so many choices. My personal favorite is a flow variety, but a good beginners class or Kundalini will allow beginners access, with challenge and guidance. There are a lot of website that offer free trial videos.Try (
 for 15 day trial yoga videos to get you started. Or work with me to create your own Detox Yoga Plan. Whatever form of yoga you choose to entice, know that the practice of yoga is more than just asana (poses), and the benefits of your practice will be those of mind, body and spirit.

5. Qigong/ Ti Chi- These ancient Chinese practices are something anyone can do. When done correctly, you harness your bodies ability to heal itself. Both practices involve working with energy to strengthen and cleanse the body to effortlessly merging with nature. Often the mind during this exercise is compared to easy water on a lake. You can use videos to begin this practice and learn some basic beginner movements. You can find a lot of videos on youtube. Here is one that gives you an introduction to Mingtong Gu, an internationally known teacher and healer and the founder of the Chi Center and Wisdom Healing Foundation, and Qigong (

6. Dance- Now I am not talking about doing a couple spins. For this activity to work, you will need to lose your inhibitions, find the music that will not let you sit down and space to really move it. Like Zumba, you need to be able to propel yourself into the movement, create repetition and not stop. As you get your heart rate up, dancing becomes cardio. You can do all kinds of dance to address your needs and your style. Some suggestions are Salsa, Hiphop, Ballet, Freestyle....but there are so many ways to move to music. Make a playlist of at least 8 songs that you know won't stop and will keep you grooving, then dance your dance. (Spotify is a great online music source, and you can create your playlist right there.)

7. Clean up/ do lawn work or garden- Pushing a lawn mower takes great effort. Cleaning the tub, mopping some floors, vacuuming or sweeping change the environment in which you live but also help you to move.  Do not over look the fact that working in nature: shoveling, digging, exercise and can get the heart pumping, and extended time cleaning your space can produce a sweat. The point is to do your work with the intention to accomplish the work and also to work the body. And, when you have to use products to clean during your detox, find the most natural varieties. Use essential oils if you can so as not to introduce more toxins into the body.

8. Gut singing or Chanting loudly- I wrote a blog some time ago about chanting where I discuss the benefits of chanting. There are many benefits to this spiritual activity. Though you will not sweat necessarily, if you take the time to pull and press the air in and out of your diaphragm and lungs, you will find great stress relief, boost your immune system, lift your energy and increase your lung capacity. If you are singing or chanting something to God, that's even better. Worship connects us to the Divine within ourselves! However singing or chanting in general are wonderful things to incorporate into your every day. And I don't mean, sing one song either. I mean sing till you feel your stomach muscles work. Sing till you are tired.

9. Rock climbing, climbing steps/ bleachers and trees- I don't know about you, but there have been times I have had enough of the steps in my house. They take concerted effort. I am not much of a rock climber, but on the occasion that I found myself climbing the rock wall or hiking in the mountains and having to deal with lifting my leg high enough to deal with the terrain or balancing my weight so that I make it from one rock to the next without falling, I was working hard, and my whole body knew it. And when I was younger and could handle my way up a tree, the accomplishment as well as the effort and view from the top were more than I could have bargained for. Climb higher physically, on purpose, for an extended period of time and take your spirit with you through the journey.

10. Play a game or throw a ball to your child or your dog- Play is good for us. We don't do it enough. We are usually too caught up in life's distractions. Distract yourself with a easy game of tennis or basketball. Go bowling. Exert yourself in play. Find a child or grab your own and play a game of tag or just throw the ball back and forth. Some dogs can literally run back and forth to retrieve a ball for hours. Throw the ball with them for at least a half of one of those hours.

11. Roller Skate/ Skateboard- Not unlike swimming, skating involves the whole body. While watching my son learn to skateboard this summer, I realized that skating is good for those with fear. With skating, you must find your balance, use your arms and allow yourself to go with the movement as opposed to resisting it. Wear your gear, and go for it. Propel yourself into the wind.

12. Prayer and meditation- Though both of these things are worth doing individually, I combined them here to bring together the spiritual work required during your detox. Inevitably you will find a spiritual fine toning happening. In prayer, spend time reflecting on reasons you have to be grateful. Then make your requests known in Jesus's name. There is power in the Word. There is also power in no word; meditation is known to do just that, stop the mind chatter and allow the spirit to connect with the Ultimate Guide. Two great ways to entice meditation are by focusing on the third eye, the space between your eye brows, or focusing on your breath. But again there are many ways you can meditate. Try Abraham-Hicks guided meditation to get you started: (

Remember, whatever activities you do, they should uplift you. You are headed toward wellness, so encourage the body to move, or the spirit to guide and enjoy your detox experience with grace.

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