The Tip of Bliss!

Bliss, I never understood this word. I always found it to be one of those words people pretend to be. I was pretty sure when someone said they felt bliss that they had no idea what they were talking about. Or when someone said that they wanted to feel bliss, they did not know what they were reaching for.

I suppose I never felt bliss until recently, or at the very least, not to the extent with which I now know. It was not even a word that I uttered to reference any situation ever before, except when I did a Blissful Biz Training with my coach, Jeannie Sullivan. And there is absolutely a reason why. Until one has seen some aspect of the low, there is no way for them to have reference for the high. The height of even the tip of bliss is beyond that which I believed I could hold.

I venture to say that whether we know it or not, everyone has experienced, even briefly, some form of love. We are love.  So what is the difference between bliss and love, which we all are and have felt. Is it just semantics?

Recently, I found myself vulnerable with another person, being, soul, my husband. It was in this moment that I chose to be more vulnerable than I’d ever been before.  It was in this moment of pure vulnerability; during moments of conscious vulnerability, I found bliss. I felt and still do, believe bliss to exist in letting go and feeling the love all around and within. Like a LOVE EXPLOSION! This is not an orgasm, though I think it could be. More importantly, bliss is what I felt to be physical energy that builds to a subtle level. The explosion happens in the subtle body when all of your spindles are twirling and all your lights are on while in that space of vulnerability where you are able to let go of expectation or worry or even the feeling itself and allow it to flow into you, fill you up and be you. So sweet this expression of love. 

The beauty in experiencing some portion of any emotion is first, the feeling is yours to integrate. And with integration, you can motivate that feeling to grow, or you can stop watering it and allow it to stop growing. Your choice.

Once any part of the emotion is felt, you now have the opportunity to recall the feeling. Like in Savasana (corpse pose). Have you ever had a stellar Savasana, where you completely let go and truly died to the body for a couple minutes?  Because our practice, our lives, are cumulative, we can keep approaching these feelings each time we journey on the mat or meditation cushion, each time we wake, or interact with someone we trust, when we give ourselves time and space to be.  

However, in Savasana, when integrated, this death is yours to come back to on many keen and exciting levels. You might say, “I don’t want to die! That’s not exciting, Courtney!” This is just about surrendering our will. Coming into our whole being and living fully after we have died to all that keeps us small. Yet again, to feel one end of the stick even in brief, you are then able to feel the other side. Like a seesaw. This is the nature of the energy continuum.  

Feel the tip of bliss by raising your vibration through the process of letting go. Let- Go- over and over and over again.

So, I believe in integration, and now, I believe in bliss. Consciously deciding to let go to feel the love that surrounds without pretense or judgment or expectation is a vulnerable place. When we assimilate that, then, there is this opportunity to feel beyond the body to bliss. And though we may only have experienced it once, seen it or heard of it here, the seed, if watered, is ready and waiting to grow.    

Tell me about your bliss experience or your understanding. I would love to hear your thoughts.

And Oh, Enjoy your Valentine’s Day, Everyday!!


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