I love Thanksgiving! It is hands down one of my favorite holidays. I love the idea of gatherings happening across country and a time of eating. Though we could work out that aspect of things in a healthier way, collectively, since there really are many things to eat that are healthy! (Be sure to check out how to curve this pattern of overeating below.)
If you know me, you know I love to eat! And it excites me that giving thanks is more than gathering and eating. This holiday happens to fall strategically in the middle of a season of contemplation, when many things that once were transform. It is a sacred time of becoming something else to give The One glory. We all know this transformation. We have done it before in various ways, big and small, seasonally, cellularly, egotistically, spiritually. The beauty of the outdoors during this time of year pricelessly shows us how wonderful and beautiful the process of transformation can be. And with these big brains of ours, we often think otherwise too. No other creature worries, frets or even begins to do the amount of thinking we do. We are rare in that way. Looking at what is and being able to see what was can be overwhelming at times. But with this in mind, let us enjoy the sunsets as great as the sunrises, and as best we can that which is in between.
This is the IN and OUT of life. Taking the time to be grateful and then taking the time to give. It is our time. Don’t wait. The seasons will change. The season will change. The earth will continue to turn. We will continue to evolve as everything living does until we transform and become again. Revolve now in love while you are in body and step OUT IN the gifts you have to give.
Eat well,
Sat nam.