Repurposing Surrender
How interesting to know that what will help us is the very thing that we resist. We’ve all felt that, right? The food that we should eat sits waiting. The walk that would help us feel lighter after a long day abated by thoughts of all the other things we think we should do first.
For me these days, the stillness I know I need has been pressed upon me. I can not say no. That is what healing will do. Or pain, they have the ability to bring you to a halt.
But maybe we could repurpose surrender so that we do not have to be forced to stillness?
It is a daily challenge for us, I believe, to surrender. We feel bombarded by all the problems, conversations, situations... all the work stuff and home life and forget what it looks like to let things go when they are over. It’s time we repurpose surrender. It is time to let go of the past and be in the present.
Surrender again and reconnect with how good it feels to let things go.
Repurpose surrender. Make it easy. Do so in small ways each day. Let it take just a few minutes if that is all you have. But do something every day to let go.
A few short and quick suggestions
1. Take some conscious belly breaths, at least three.
2. Open and closing the hands, or shake them.
3. Do some neck rolls, half or full circles.
Bring yourself back to how graceful surrendering can be.
4. Try this too. (Free on Sound Cloud: 10 minute guided meditation: Surrender.)
4. Try this too. (Free on Sound Cloud: 10 minute guided meditation: Surrender.)
Imagine for a moment, leaving work without any bags, no work to do. Your arms are light, relaxed. Imagine the freedom of this, nothing to do and if you wish nowhere to be except right where you are. You enjoy walking through the doors of your office with yourself and a good attitude. Nothing in your hands. Nothing in your mind. No work or home conversations are percolating from the day. You feel the sun on your face. The warmth of the sun reminding you that you are free. You surrender to it, to all of it.
You may not have a job where this can happen regularly. I know that I don’t. But surrender can happen in so many ways. You just have to spot it, allow it.
Where can you “let your hair down” in your life? How might you allow your shoulders to release the cares that you can not fix right now, and maybe never will? Maybe they are not for you to fix?
Surrender is about recognizing where you are and where Source takes charge. Where can you plant a seed in your life, speak into existence, so that you can open your arms, naturally, and allow God to do the work we can not?
My husband often reminds me that I can take my coat and shoes off when I come in the apartment. I did not understand this for months. I felt like he was just picking. He’d keep reminding me of how nice it would be for me to take off my street clothes. But in my mind, I was just getting stuff done so I could be ready to relax. He, on the other hand, was reminding me that I could relax, surrender to being home first, and then.
Could it be that easy?
You may not have a job where this can happen regularly. I know that I don’t. But surrender can happen in so many ways. You just have to spot it, allow it.
Where can you “let your hair down” in your life? How might you allow your shoulders to release the cares that you can not fix right now, and maybe never will? Maybe they are not for you to fix?
Surrender is about recognizing where you are and where Source takes charge. Where can you plant a seed in your life, speak into existence, so that you can open your arms, naturally, and allow God to do the work we can not?
My husband often reminds me that I can take my coat and shoes off when I come in the apartment. I did not understand this for months. I felt like he was just picking. He’d keep reminding me of how nice it would be for me to take off my street clothes. But in my mind, I was just getting stuff done so I could be ready to relax. He, on the other hand, was reminding me that I could relax, surrender to being home first, and then.
Could it be that easy?
Sit down, take a few breathes, and appreciate your surroundings.
Simple surrender is not about doing. It is the very opposite. You do not have to be set up and ready for surrender. You can just let go.
Simple surrender is not about doing. It is the very opposite. You do not have to be set up and ready for surrender. You can just let go.