How to Come Out of a Binge and Stay out!

It started with Spicy Doritos.....

Well, not exactly. It started years ago when I learned that I could not eat everything, but continued to eat as I felt. It is not always about someone's weight, which reminds them of this. I've always been thin. But my gut has not been healthy.

This weekend after some strong core work, over the course of three days teaching and taking classes, I woke with intense cramps, and soreness. I was also gassy. This is not abnormal for me-- the gassy part. Often I hear my stomach after I eat. Sometimes taking a deep breath in to my belly will bring intestinal noise. But the cramps and soreness, I could not figure out. Typically core work feels good, yes, sore, but only as if I'd done something good. This was more. I used a heating pad and tried to think back to my last bowel movement. Hum, I won't share too much about that here. But, it was not a good solid one.

During one of the yoga classes I'd been in before this episode, I'd found myself nauseous. As they went around the circle for everyone to introduce themselves and tell what you noticed during the practice, I had to say, I noticed the Spicy Doritos. I could barely lay on my stomach during sphinx pose. So I knew my gut was struggling. Still, until now it was easy to tell myself that I was fine because I ate healthy most of the time. This weekend, I could not deny the pain. It changed my walk, slower and labored.

To be honest, I've been on a binge lately, all kind of remotely healthy, but not, food. Pasta or pizza, cheesy but with lots of veggies. Lots of breads, but with a ghee-fried eggs or a piece of fruit. Coffee, with almond milk, and raw sugar (still sugar, nonetheless). Cookies or cakes, gluten- free or not, sugary, but with nuts or raisins or the lighter whipped cream frosting (trickery). Even this morning, while still struggling but feeling some relief, a student offered me a pancake, and I felt I had to bite. I know better, but I was caught in my addiction. Feeding my gut and affecting my brain, because they are connected, and the cycle continuing on. Can you relate?

Brain-gut connection being real, here is what I am going to do about it. 

It feels good to be honest here, so thank you. And here, really is the first key to success. Honesty. Sometimes, it "starts" with pain, bringing you to the truth, so you have to see it. Teal Swan once shared, P.A.I. N, an acronym which stands for Pay Attention Inward Now. As I break this binge, I must be honest with myself. It helps for me to be honest with someone else about it, too.

I will also tell my psychologist. This is definitely not the first time that I have spoken to her about my lack of self control around food. She will keep me on task. So, be honest. Tell someone you trust to be kind but firm with you. Hiding will not help you here.

I have decided, I will use an elimination diet to disrupt the pattern. I will eliminate bread, starting now. We all need a plan. If you can not create this plan on your own, ask for help. Someone knows what you can do to help yourself. Someone has been there before. If you could use my help, ask me. Message me here or email, and I'll get back to you. At the very least, I can give you resources or hold you accountable.

Taking a yoga class and making some juice with my new juicer gives me comfort and makes me excited for something else. Food typically makes me feel this way. So I will need to find other ways to do this for myself. I believe one of the best ways to move out of a binge and create a new stance for yourself is to do something different, immediately.

Right now, what can you do? Generate a list of things that will be better for you but still create the same feeling that you are looking for, whether that be comfort or excitement, and then do them, as soon as possible. Keep the list somewhere that you can see.

Don't beat yourself up. That will not help you. Help yourself by being honest, asking for help and making a plan to disrupt the pattern, and by doing those things right now. You can do this. You can do anything you put your mind to, but if you are not treating your gut right, like I wasn't, don't listen to your mind, follow your heart.

Sat Nam,



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