How interesting to find ourselves in this most precarious circumstance. I hope you are doing well with it all. I hope that if you found this website for the first time, it is because you are ready to do something special, irregardless of the things that look damning. Truth is, we are not damned. We are just getting started. I know that I am. 

Our time is so precious. I feel that more and more each day.  Do you? Each moment that we say NO to is one more moment lost to possibility, to opportunity. I don't mean to suggest that you should say YES to everything, but I do suggest that you say YES to your life! Saying YES to your life means seeing that in each moment there is something you can do, even when the stakes are down. Saying YES means opening to seeing what can be good versus saying NO, which is defeated. From NO, the only option is NO. 

So I am inviting you to say YES today to you, to growth, to the possibilities in this moment and the next. It won't hurt. Truth is, it will help. You can do this. Just say YES. 

And do some yoga. That might help too. 

 Here is what I am currently offering around town (through Zoom). 

Through Revolution Yoga, I am offering classes throughout the week. These classes are $7.50/ students can buy a class pass for a discounted rate. To sign up for the classes, go through My schedule every week is as follows (all Pacific time zone): 

Sunday, Evening Meditation, 7:30-8pm 
Monday, Evening Wind Down Yoga, 6-7:15pm
Wednesday, Morning Meditation, 7:30-8am
Thursday, Mid Day Yoga Flow, 12-1:15pm

I am also teaching one or two donation-based/ free classes a week. 
1. This coming week, April 22th, on Wednesday (7:30-8am) in honor of Earth Day my meditation class will be donation only.  All money will go to local groups working on climate action. Sign up for this through
2. Also,  next week Friday, 8-9pm, April 24th, my donation class will be a yoga class for educators. Those who email with interest will receive the link to this class, so email me, and I will give you Venmo info. and the link. (

I also want to let you know about the new page on this site. Have you seen it? It is called the Dream Sessions. It entails 5 days of emails to help you identify your dreams. If you are struggling right now to see your dreams, to say YES, and make decisions each day that bring your dreams into view, this program is for you. Click on "Dream Sessions" in the tab above to sign up. 

Lastly, if you want to find out more about these offerings or be encouraged daily, follow me on Facebook page: Courtney Rohan Services/ Courtney Rohan or on Instagram at Courtney Rohan and subscribe above to my monthly blog.

Much love to you and your family! Much love to everyone! If you need me, you know how to connect. 

I'm saying "Yes"! I'll go first. You coming? 



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