Halfway Through A Blip!
You never know what is ahead. Five years ago, we never could have dreamed we'd have come to this juncture. Ten years ago... shoot, a day ago sometimes now, things change very quickly.
I never did believe my parents, till now, when they said that as I got older the boredom that I would often feel, stuck in a situation, would not be but a "blip in the sand." I do believe that "blip" was really the word my father used. And, it's true. The time that has past, though some moments have not felt small, in relationship to the whole that is our lives and collective lives, is just that: a blip.
Thank goodness for blips when we are unhappy!!
This year I have seen a lot of things change. We have all changed. As we reflect, halfway through the year, this blip has thrown me into a letting go of what does not serve. It has afforded me a chance to be more still and discern what is best for me, to listen to my heart in order to make clearer decisions.
Used to be, I was more interested in what others thought and often forgot about my own needs. I am most knowledgable about me. Ask me anything. Though I do not know the science or have all the answers all the time, neither does anyone else. So, no matter how much someone has studied, once I am tuned into my heart and moving from there, I know what I need and what I don't.
This does not mean that I always make what would appear to others to be the best decision. We all have our perspectives. This also doesn't mean that I am not without a need for consultants either, the most important one being Source. But I am the final sayer. I say, yay or nay to everything for me, every time.
So I say, yay to this blip and what it holds for me.
What do you say? What are your reflections at this halfway blip mark? What have you learned? What will you say yes to or no to, going forward, because you know that things will change, and because without a doubt when you are tuned in to you, you know, you absolutely know what is best for you!
Here are somethings that will be changing for me based on what I now know:
1. I will be opening my books for 15 minute complementary consultations. This will give us a chance to look at your goals and assess if intuitive coaching or a Yoga Plan will work for you. Check out my schedule for June and July here.
2. June 15th will be my last day at Revolution Yoga as a contractor. I will continue to sub and teach workshops as things emerge, but I am needing to reassess all that is before me with fresh eyes, so that I can continue to say yes to the blip. If you have taken classes with me in the past, I hope that we will continue to make connection. I will be offering donation classes this summer, and small group class and privates as you need.
3. I will continue to post my classes and more fun videos and info on IG @courtneyrohan or Facebook @Courtneyrohanyoga and content on Youtube, so follow along!
4. I am offering a 5 week series for you this July! Join me! This will be kundalini and vinyasa based instruction to support you with aligning at your heart. Each week will have a different theme, and we will work with the body, mind and spirit to tap into what the blip is showing us about ourselves. So we are prepared with some tools for the future. You will have access to recorded class, a Google Classroom with resources and space to interact privately with other Aligners. Not to mention access to me for some intuitive coaching each week via email.
Get the Early Bird Special NOW till July! Sign up here.
So, my friend, what are you doing with the info you have gathered now to prepare for the freshness of your future? I'd love to know! Please reply to this email, and share with your interested friends and family.
Sat Nam,