Once a Blogger, Always a Blogger.
I am excited to welcome you to my NEW SITE which will offer us an easier way to work together.
For what feels like a long time, maybe 7 years now, I have been squirreling away creations and filing things to share, waiting. It just never felt like the right time, or things never felt all the way ready. They still aren't. But, they are more ready each year.
I appreciate that about life. We continue to grow and become. We continue to follow the bread crumbs. That reminds me of a blog I wrote here called Intuitive Coaching for a BreadCrumb . It was 2016. I had just moved to California then. At the time I was wishing so bad to help people find their purpose, while searching for my own. I still feel that way. I want to stand in the gap for people and listen for things that they can not/ do not want to hear on their own because we don't have to be alone all the time. And I want to realize the same for me. We have a purpose together. Relationships are what make life great (or sour). You know I try not to lie in my blogs, now. Shit is not always sweet. It can't be.
It has been good for me to have a space like a blog, where I could share my journey and offer yoga services, in doses that I could handle. Life can happen to us, hu? Writing blogs has helped me to process my experience. It has reminded me that I am not without feelings, and all the things I tell others is first for me. February 10, 2021 almost a year ago, I wrote a blog about revisiting old blogs and seeing all that I was learning to teach: Learn the Lesson and Then Teach What You Know. Even then, I was feeling the move as I was learning that I needed a new space for my students to grow with me. Things were accelerating then.
Thank you for sticking around to read my blogs, friends and family, and for interacting how you could with my varied posts about yoga and life as I receive it. I am very grateful for the time I have had as a blogger; it has had some effect on growing me. So, I'll always be a blogger, just on my own site at the top where it says: blog
I'd like to welcome you to my new home. I will still be using my Blogger account for a while longer, as I have some work that I'd still like to reference, but for now my focus is with courtneyrohanyoga.com It feels good to grow after the years have gone by. It feels good to see the growth and know that things can continue to expand as I listen to the call, to serve those who want to ride this expansion train with me.
If this is the end of us for now, if this is where we part ways, it has been nice sending emails to your inbox and seeing an occasional hard spend comment (it's hard to leave one, right! Too much effort-) So long to that.
You can leave comments on the bottom of my blogs now and subscribe to stay up to date about classes, courses and things.
Drop me a comment and let me know you're on board. It will be easier now, trust.
So long Blogger. It's been fun.
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