
What Does Success Mean to You? " What you seek is seeking you." - Rumi What do you seek? I seek success. However, sometimes it can be hard to pin it down. Each year success means something else to me. Each moment, success can mean something different. I didn't do that thing that I always do-- SUCCESS! I have a focused meditation practice or became aware of something new my body can do--SUCCESS! Right now, create a list of 5 things that would mean success to you. Do those 5 things boil up to: BE HAPPY? If so, and I believe it is, no matter what you aim for, success is about your happiness. Though it is important at some point to give your idea of success specificity, seek your happiness first. Seeking happiness takes the madness out of reaching some end, when it's all just cycles of beginning and beginning again anyway. Seeking your happiness is not license to be negligent of you...

Happy New Year Circulation

Jai Dev Singh , founder of the Life Force Academy, recently shared during a prosperity meditation, that it is not about reception; it is about circulation. This affected me deeply because receiving is what we so often use as our barometer of success. How many houses, cars or shoes can we accumulate until we feel fulfilled?  And, we all know people who have an abundance of these things and still do not feel like they have enough. So why do we continue to focus in this way? Sounds like time for a change in perspective. Prosperity, not just money and tangibles but an elevated, conscious awareness of your (tuned in/turned on) inner working, comes from a focus on right movement. Like blood flows through the body, naturally, energy does too. Unless there is a block in the path, things move as governed by law. Why do we stop this flow, decreasing the level of circulation-- the movement of things to and fro or around something? Many of us assume if we let go of these things, if we...

Awakening Again is Yoga

I have not wanted to blog recently. My thoughts wavering, rocking, overflowing into new things that I don’t always understand. It wouldn’t make much sense. Maybe I’m not making sense now. I am awakening to a new way of being. Compassion, I give to myself, as we all should. Empathy, I give to you. I speak for myself as well as those who I know experiencing the same. It is awkward. A play between poles to try to find balance, to find truth and make sense to others when you don’t make sense to yourself is definitely awkward. Over the last couple months, I have been able to muster a tweet or two. Maybe three tweets and a post on some other form of social media. These brief online interactions remind me that I have something to say that we (me, first) need to hear. This process of awakening and then awakening again is yoga and not for anyone to resist. The river current can not be shut off. So, we owe it to ourselves to show up.  I’ve decided to write again, to spend my ...

Lost and Found

Yesterday, after returning from a two week vacation to South Carolina, I taught my first ever class inspired by the loss of my luggage. When the airline (Frontier) makes you pay for all your luggage, checked and carry on, one expects that it will not be lost. Three days later, my bag was still not in my hands. I kept remembering all the things that I was missing. I kept milling all the new and old items that I might not see again. It sucked! In the light of the most recent shootings, losing these things is small. But from the outer banks of loss, I was still able to learn something about the reason and process of its being. We can not control everything. We cannot make anyone think, work, or be on our behalf. That is our internal work and how we show up for ourselves. It does however get tricky when we rely on people to provide a service. When the service does not work for you, it is maddening, frustrating, and definitely in the case of the shootings, it is life altering. Pract...

California Sun

I did not know what I would do here in California a year ago. I thought, maybe I’ll teach 7th grade again after I get my certification. Or, maybe I’ll teach yoga. I’ll write. Those were my prospects. I did not really have a plan. Though being able to connect with people on my mat in yoga classes immediately opened doors: my mind, community, friendships, and work. So for the last year, I have been writing, coaching small yoga business owners, and teaching yoga. I have met a lot of people and seen a lot of things that I’ve never seen before. Having never lived on the West Coast, I imagined all of California to be just like Oakland, where my sister lives and where I had visited, or like LA from all the pictures and movies that I’d seen. Not really. This year, I have seen that California is more like three states. Sunshine here in the northern part of the bay is nothing like the sun in LA, or further south in San Diego. Each part of California is different, but each person...

Twist Your Way to Brilliance

Stand to your feet. Find Tadasana, Mountain Pose . Turn your head slowly to the right and to the left. Look up at the ceiling or sky. Look down at the floor or ground. What do you see? Use at least three full breaths to fully experience each perspective and your physical responses to it. There are many things to see wherever we are, many perspectives. There are so many that we can not see them all. And, hopefully we enjoy your perspective we see, but maybe we don’t.  Take a deep breath.   There is a solution!   There’s lots of stuff to see.  You have a choice about that which you give your attention to. (I’m not talking about denial here.) See more of the good! Twisting the body allows us to move around the anchor and see what we want to see. This can be the physical anchor of the feet and thighs. Or, this can be the anchor of the truth. Anchoring into the truth of who you are, your brilliance, allows you to see the brilliance that is aro...

Let's Remember Your Passion

I used to be so concerned with what people thought. “Was I doing this or that right.” Sometimes I still am when I consider someone more than me, and that happens. However, I am no longer ashamed of this when I remember, we are one, and I am not twelve anymore. More important than age, I’ve got a pretty decent tool belt now. We are all one, yet we are unique. And, the tools that work for one, do not work for everyone, at least not in the same ways or at the same times. That's for sure. Testing someone else’s tool at the wrong time for us, we quickly learn. Throwing a hula hoop around in the park is just not meditative for us in the way that it is for them. I personally have to work way too hard for the hula hoop and can accept that with a smile. Until one day when the sun shines in just the right way and the breeze flows with our hips and the hula hoop in just the right way and our hoop alights. But on those days when this orchestra does not take place, I enjoy doing...